Possible Back Injuries Resulting From a Car Crash

The back is one of the parts of the body that’s commonly injured in car crashes. Discomfort may last for a couple of days or for much longer depending on the severity of the impact.

You should always get yourself checked by a medical professional in time to avoid exacerbating back injuries. Serious trauma to the back can damage the spinal cord and result in permanent disability.

If you’ve noticed some problems with your back, Injury Medicine’s Lexington injury center is here to help you recover from your trauma and reclaim your healthy life.

However, it is easy to miss out on these signs or fail to understand the severity of the underlying situation. Let’s explore the types and symptoms of back injuries to get some perspective!

What Are the Possible Types of Back Injuries From a Car Crash?

Not all back injuries are the same. They can vary in severity and affect different structures.

Soft-Tissue Injuries

There is a wide range of ligaments and muscles located around your spine. During a trauma, these soft tissues can get injured, leading to pain and weakness. The muscles and ligaments may be stretched too far. In severe cases, they may be torn.

Vertebral Fractures

Sometimes a car crash can cause a compression fracture (due to the downward pressure) or a flexion fracture (due to the forward pressure). A transverse fracture compromises vertebrae due to a harsh back-and-forth motion during the incident. In all of these cases, spinal mobility is hampered, and of course, it can be excruciatingly painful.


These are among the most commonly reported back injuries associated with a car accident. In this case, there is a ligament that binds the two vertebrae together. If the ligament gets ruptured (torn), the spine can move out of line or vertebrae may lock over each other

Herniated Disc

There is a delicate liquid present within the vertebrae that prevents friction between the vertebrae. If the exterior of the disc tears and the fluid is pushed out, this is called a herniated disc. The condition can cause pain, numbness, and tingling.

Spinal Misalignment

The spine can become misaligned and exert pressure on nearby nerves. This may not be obvious right away, but over time, it can lead to problems such as chronic back pain, stiffness, and difficulty walking.

Chiropractor treating a back injury

Spinal Cord Injury

The spinal cord acts as a coordinator between your brain and the body. It is involved in the major body reflexes and thus any damage to it can compromise several motor functions. While it is not anatomically correct to use the terms “spinal cord” and “backbone” interchangeably, an injury to the backbone can damage the spinal cord.

A complete spinal cord injury causes total paralysis and lack of sensation below where the injury occurred. Symptoms of a spinal cord injury include:

  • Loss of movement
  • Loss of or altered sensation, including the ability to feel heat, cold, and touch
  • Loss of bowel or bladder control.

Why You Must Never Delay Medical Treatment For Back Injuries

It is important to treat a back injury from a crash crash as early as possible. If you choose to ignore the problem and don’t get treated for it in time, the consequences can be disastrous (and perhaps even irreversible).

  • Mobility Problems: Untreated back injuries can make moving difficult and painful.
  • Never-Ending Pain: If left ignored, back injuries often result in excruciating pain.
  • Injured Vertebrae: Any broken vertebral discs can impair normal spinal functions.
  • Possibility of Spine Injury: If you don’t get immediate treatment for a vertebral fracture or swelling around the spinal cord, you could become paralyzed.

Treatment Options for Back Injuries

Let’s take a look at the most widely recommended medical treatments for back injuries.

  • Medicine/Drugs: Muscle relaxants, NSAIDs, and Ibuprofen can ease discomfort for mild back injuries. Topical pain relievers like muscle ointments and sprays are helpful.
  • Physical Therapy: Mild exercises and stretches are a good option. Physical therapy can improve your range of motion and strength and reduce overall pain.
  • Chiropractic Care: Chiropractic treatment can help relieve pain caused by spinal misalignment.
  • Injections: Cortisone injections are highly effective at relaxing the throbbing nerves around the spine. The impact of such injections lasts for months.
  • Ablation Technique: Radiofrequency ablation uses radio waves, transmitted through a tiny needle, and targets the compromised nerves to offer relief.
  • Stimulators: Another effective method is an implanted spinal cord stimulator which sends signals to block the pain within the damaged area.
  • Surgery: If required, doctors can go for a surgical procedure to repair your injured back.

How to Find the Right Treatment Center

If you live in Lexington or near one of our locations in South Carolina, you don’t need to waste your time on Google. Injury Medicine is here for you!

But if you live elsewhere, you’ll have to dig a bit to find a reliable provider offering top-tier medical care. Here are some tips.

  • Visit the closest (highly rated) medical clinics and gather information about possible treatments for your health problem.
  • Check online reviews and ratings.
  • Do research to gain general knowledge about your health issue (but don’t self-diagnose!)
  • Also, discuss your problem with your friends and family. They can offer valuable insights and support you.

Reach Out to Our Greeneville Injury Clinic for Reliable Treatment Options

Back injuries can be a huge nuisance if you don’t consult a medical professional. At Injury Medicine, we take pride in offering you services to help you find relief from pain and regain your strength after an accident.

Our Lexington injury clinic is not only rated favorably but also has a history of helping patients get back to their normal and happy lives through services like physical therapy, chiropractic care, injections, and more.

Reach out to us now for a proper diagnosis and timely treatment!

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