The spinal column consists of 24 hollow bones referred to as the vertebrae, and are connected by fibrous plates known as discs. These discs can get injured or worn making the soft inner part of the disc protrude from its normal position. This is a herniated disc.

Herniated discs usually exert pressure or irritate surrounding nerves in your spine. You may feel pain traveling down your legs or arms depending on the position of the herniated disc. In this case, you may need to get expert Discectomy Surgery In Greenville, SC for long-term relief.

Discectomy directly translates to ‘cutting out the disc’. A Discectomy Surgery can be done anywhere along the spinal column from the neck (cervical) area to the low back area(lumbar).

Discectomy surgery essentially entails taking out the herniated section of a disc, alleviating the pressure exerted on surrounding nerves. The procedure is usually done with minimal intrusion and is often called microdiscectomy.

If you are feeling some discomfort and pain in your back and would like to know if you are a candidate for Discectomy Surgery, please reach out to the Discectomy Specialists at Injury Medicine today to request an appointment. We look forward to hearing from you. Call us at 864-866-PAIN now!

Why Discectomy is Done

A discectomy is performed to alleviate the pressure a herniated disk (also referred to as a bulging, ruptured, or slipped disc or disc prolapse) exerts on a spinal nerve. A herniated disc happens when the soft inner side of the disc protrudes through a crack in the annulus (outer lining of the disc).

A physician may suggest you undergo discectomy if:

  • Pain is coursing through the arms, chest, legs or buttocks and is unmanageable
  • Nerve weakness results in trouble walking or standing
  • Conventional treatment, like steroids injections or physical therapy, doesn’t alleviate symptoms after 6 – 12 weeks


The Risks

Discectomy surgery is generally considered to be a safe procedure. But similar to any surgery, discectomy comes with its fair share of complications. Potential risks include:

  • Infection
  • Excess bleeding
  • Injury to nearly blood vessels or nerves
  • Leaking spinal fluid
  • Blood clots
  • Adverse reaction to anesthetic

The amount of risk you are exposed to depends on your age and overall health. Consult with a specialist spine physician at Injury Medicine to know your associated risk before the procedure.

What You Can Expect During and After Surgery


Discectomy Surgery is performed under general anesthesia. Preferably, just a part of the disc that’s exerting pressure on the nerve is taken out. The surgeon will access the herniated disc from the back of the spine — through the ligaments and spinal bone.

If the entire disc has to be removed, your surgeon may bridge the gap with another alternative bone — from your pelvis or a deceased donor — or a synthetic bone substitute. The adjacent vertebrae are then joined together using metal instrumentation.


After the procedure, you will be taken to the recovery ward where the healthcare team will observe you for potential problems arising from the anesthesia and surgery. If you have mild effects, you can go home the same day. However, a short stay may be required — especially for patients with adverse medical complications.

You can get back to work in 2 to 6 weeks depending on the amount of walking, lifting and sitting your job entails.

Contact Injury Medicine For Expert Discectomy Surgery In Greenville, SC Today!

If you want to learn more about Discectomy Surgery In Greenville, SC and how it can help provide lasting relief from the pain and symptoms associated with a herniated disc, please contact our spine physicians at Injury Medicine. We are specialists when it comes to finding solutions for acute and chronic pain conditions.

Call us at 864-866-PAIN to book an appointment.