Treatment Options for Whiplash After a Wreck

It’s not unusual for a car accident victim to suffer a neck injury. One of the most common types of neck injuries is whiplash. Many people assume that this injury will go away on its own. That isn’t always what happens. In many cases, you will need to seek treatment for whiplash. If you’ve been […]
How Can Our Greenville Injury Center Treat Whiplash?

Are you experiencing neck pain, headaches, or stiffness after a car accident? If so, there’s a chance you may have whiplash. This common injury can occur even in low-speed collisions and can leave individuals with long-term discomfort if left untreated. Luckily, the experts at our injury center in Greenville are well-versed in identifying and treating […]
How Whiplash Can Affect You Long-Term

Whiplash refers to what some call neck strain. Whiplash is a minor injury caused by a car accident or fender-bender, and can be described as whiplash. This happens when your head is pushed forward or backward with brute force. The sudden thrusting action can cause injury or stretch your neck’s muscles and tendons. Whiplash, in medical terms, is caused […]