What Are The Most Common Airbag Injuries?

Airbags have become a standard safety feature in cars today and for a good reason. They can prevent serious injuries or even save lives during a car accident. However, like any safety device, airbags are not without their risks. In fact, many people end up suffering airbag injuries.

While they may be designed to protect us from harm, there are also some common airbag injuries you should be aware of if you ever find yourself in a car accident. In this blog post, we will explore the most prevalent types of airbag injuries and what you can do to ensure your safety on the road.

So buckle up, and let’s dive into the world of airbag injuries!

Asthma Attacks and Other Respiratory Issues Due to the Chemicals Involved in Deployment

When an airbag deploys, it releases chemicals that can cause respiratory problems. These chemicals include sodium azide and potassium nitrate, creating an explosion that quickly inflates the airbag. While these chemicals may be harmless in small amounts, they can adversely affect people who are sensitive or allergic to them.

Asthma attacks and other respiratory issues are the most common airbag injuries caused by chemical exposure during deployment. When someone is exposed to these chemicals, their lungs may become irritated and inflamed, making it difficult for them to breathe properly.

It’s important to note that not everyone will experience respiratory issues from airbag deployment. People with pre-existing conditions such as asthma or allergies may be more susceptible to these injuries than others.

To minimize your risk of experiencing respiratory problems due to airbag deployment, always wear your seatbelt correctly and sit at least 10 inches away from the steering wheel. This distance helps reduce the impact force of the deployed airbag while providing enough room for you not to come into contact with any harmful substances released upon inflation.

Eye Injuries From Chemical Irritation or the Pressure of the Airbag

Airbags are a great safety feature in modern cars but can cause serious injuries. One of the most common airbag injuries is eye injury from chemical irritation or airbag pressure. When an airbag deploys, it releases chemicals that irritate the eyes and cause redness, itching, and swelling.

In addition to chemical irritation, the force of an inflating airbag can also cause eye injuries. The speed at which an airbag inflates can be up to 200 mph, and this sudden impact on your face can lead to trauma to your eyes.

Eye injuries caused by airbags range from mild discomfort to more severe damage, such as corneal abrasions or even ruptured eyeballs. These types of eye injuries sometimes require surgery or other medical treatment.

To prevent eye injuries caused by airbags, experts recommend sitting at least 10 inches away from the steering wheel and wearing seat belts properly adjusted across your chest and lap. If you experience symptoms like redness or pain in your eyes after a car accident involving an airbag deployment, seek medical attention immediately.

Drivers and passengers must understand how dangerous it can be when an unexpected, explosive device goes off just inches from their precious vision organs!

airbags can sometimes cause injuries instead of preventing them.

Burns on the Chest, Hands, Arms, or Face When the Fabric of the Airbag Rubs Along the Skin

Airbags are designed to protect drivers and passengers from serious injuries during a car accident. However, they can also cause harm if they deploy unexpectedly or improperly. One of the most common airbag injuries is burns on the chest, hands, arms, or face when the fabric of the airbag moves along the skin.

The burn occurs due to friction between the skin and airbag fabric as it inflates rapidly during a collision. The burns may range from minor redness to severe second-degree burns that require medical attention. In some cases, these burns can leave permanent scars.

While modern cars now use advanced materials for their airbags, such as silicone-coated fabrics, which reduces heat buildup, resulting in fewer chances of getting burned. Still, people may be at risk of faulty deployment mechanisms or design problems.

If you experience chest pain or notice any visible signs of burn after an airbag deployment accident, seek immediate medical help!

Facial Injuries, Including Bruising and Fractures to the Small Bone Due to the Impact of the Airbag

Facial injuries are one of the most common types of airbag injuries. When an airbag deploys, it can hit the driver or passenger’s face with significant force, causing bruises and fractures to small bones in the face.

The airbag’s impact against the face can cause various injuries, including broken noses, fractured cheekbones, and bruising around the eyes. These types of injuries can be very painful and require medical attention.

In severe cases, facial fractures may require surgery to repair. The recovery time for these types of injuries varies depending on their severity.

It’s important to note that wearing a seatbelt is essential in preventing serious facial injuries from occurring during a car accident. The combination of both a seatbelt and an airbag provides better protection than relying on either one alone.

If you’ve suffered facial injuries due to an airbag deployment during a car accident, seek medical attention immediately. A healthcare professional will evaluate your condition and recommend necessary treatment options based on your needs.

Chest Injuries, Including Heart Injuries Due to the Impact of the Airbag Against the Chest

Airbags are designed to protect occupants from injury in a car accident. However, they can also cause injuries, including chest and heart injuries. When airbags deploy, they do so at high speed and force, which can result in impact against the chest.

The pressure from the airbag can cause bruising or even fractures to the sternum or ribs. Additionally, the force of deployment could cause damage to internal organs such as the heart.

These chest injuries can sometimes be life-threatening and require immediate medical attention. Symptoms may include difficulty breathing or sharp pain in the chest area.

It is important for those involved in an accident with airbag deployment to seek medical attention right away if they experience any discomfort or pain. Medical professionals can assess any potential damage caused by airbag deployment and provide necessary treatment.

While airbags protect individuals during accidents, it is crucial to be aware of their potential risks and seek appropriate care when needed.

If You Have Been Involved in a Greenville Car Accident, Contact Injury Medicine

Airbags are designed to protect occupants in case of a car accident. However, they can also cause severe injuries if used incorrectly or malfunctioning. Following safety guidelines and avoiding placing children under 13 in the front seat with an active airbag is essential.

If you have been involved in a Greenville car accident and experienced common airbag injuries, it’s best to seek medical attention immediately. Delaying treatment can lead to complications and worsen your condition.

Injury Medicine offers specialized care for auto-accident-related injuries, including those caused by airbags. Our team of experts will diagnose your injury accurately and provide personalized treatment plans that cater to your specific needs.

Don’t suffer in silence. Call us today at 864-866-PAIN to schedule an appointment and get on the road toward recovery.

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