How Getting Treated Helps Your Car Wreck Injury Claim

Car accidents are terrible experiences. Most people don’t want to go through the same experience again. A victim might not know what to do after an auto accident. It is important to find a reliable auto accident doctor close to you.

You have a better chance of full recovery if you get immediate medical attention. It also helps you determine how much compensation you receive for your injuries. Waiting for several days before seeing a doctor can hurt your injury claim.

Our injury center is here to help car accident victims in Spartanburg, SC. How does getting medical treatment after a car wreck affect your injury claim?

Treatment Gaps Hurt Injury Claims

Personal injury claims can be killed by treatment gaps. There are generally two types of gaps. The first is the time period between your accident date and the first time you sought medical attention. Imagine, for example, that you are in a car accident and see a doctor only four months later. This is called a treatment gap.

This is when you need to receive immediate medical attention. But, it may take several weeks or even months before you see your doctor again. No matter if it is a spine injury or a less severe injury, treatment gaps can be detrimental to your claim. Insurance companies will always look for ways to deny auto accident claims.

They can draw several conclusions from treatment gaps. An example is that an insurer might say:

  • Your injuries may not be as severe as what you claim.
  • The car accident did not cause your injuries.
  • These wounds result from pre-existing conditions.
  • Minor injuries that are not treated by a medical professional can be worsened by a failure to receive treatment.

It’s best to avoid any gaps in medical treatment.

Is There a Legitimate Reason for Treatment Gaps?

Sometimes, gaps in treatment are inevitable. After a serious accident, you might be unable to leave your home and go to the hospital. Accident victims may not be able to arrange their own medical appointments. Both cases could have treatment gaps.

A demanding job might also mean you don’t have the time to travel for medical reasons. This is especially true if the injury is minor. It doesn’t matter what the reason is, it is best to tell your doctor.

They can also conduct diagnostic tests if it is a medical issue. Your accident claim will be protected by their conclusions about why you were unable to get treatment. You can also inform your lawyer about any other reasons. A great attorney will be able to source supporting evidence.

Your Spartanburg Auto Accident Doctor Will Help With Evidence

Collisions can cause serious injuries, both physical and psychological. Getting medical care can help you link your injuries to the crash. A medical professional will record all details about your injuries and create your medical records.

Some examples of the contents of your medical records are:

  • X-rays
  • CT scans
  • Notes from your doctor
  • Prescription orders
  • Receipts for medical and pharmaceutical bills

These details will show you how much you lost due to the crash. These details also show how much you spent on the crash. Your medical records can be used by your attorney to support your claim.

Sometimes, medical experts may be needed to help you understand technical issues. This means that your doctor can testify for you. Without medical attention, crucial evidence will be lost.

car accident injuries.

Always Tell Your Doctor About Your Medical History

To protect your accident claim, you don’t just need to visit a doctor. You must make sure that you are active and intentional during these meetings. These tips can help.
Please provide details about your medical history

Without your medical history, doctors can’t help but be handicapped. They wouldn’t be able to tell you what treatment worked and which didn’t. Doctors wouldn’t be able to tell if you are allergic to any drug.

It’s best to tell your injury doctor important facts like:

  • Genetic or hereditary diseases
  • History of medication
  • If you have had surgery
  • Information about drug reactions and allergies
  • Similar conditions existed before.
  • A timeline that accurately reflects your health problems

Your doctor will then be able to prepare your medical records using this information.

Be Honest With Your Doctor

Lawyers and doctors are professionals to whom you must not lie. They rely heavily upon the information you provide them. It’s best to let your doctor know how you feel about the injuries. Let’s say you have pre-existing injuries on the same site.

It would be helpful if they also knew. They will be able to distinguish between your pain and past injuries by looking at your medical records. It is important to read through your medical records. You can also check your medical records to see if there were any mistakes and make sure you don’t miss important details. You should not return to work without your doctor’s clearance.

Many victims of auto accident injuries are forced to miss work due to their injuries. You could lose your wages if you miss work. It is tempting to return to work. It is dangerous to go back to work or the factory without permission from your doctor.

First, such a sudden resumption could hinder your recovery. The insurance company may also argue that you won’t be able to work if you have a severe condition. It’s best to wait for your doctor to declare you physically fit before you resume work.

A good attorney will always be able to get you compensation for your lost wages. You could lose your damages if you return to work too soon.

Follow Your Spartanburg Injury Physician’s Instructions

Your healthcare provider’s instructions are crucial. Neglecting them can adversely affect your recovery. Your compensation claim could suffer the same fate. Insurance companies will look for any reason to deny payment of accident damages.

Assume they don’t believe you were at fault for the accident and your injuries. They’ll then check to see if you have made any changes in your condition since the accident. You can also get worsened injuries if you don’t follow the advice of your doctor. However, if you disregard your doctor’s instructions, you may appear to be fine.

In this case, your insurer could argue that your injuries weren’t severe and offer you a lower settlement. It is best to cooperate with your doctor. You can always get a second opinion if you’re not comfortable with a particular instruction. It is better to consult your doctor than ignore it.

We Provide Quality Treatment for Car Accident Injuries

Have you, or someone close to you, been in a car accident? It’s best to consult a doctor if you have recently been in a car accident. You will have a better chance of settling a substantial settlement if you seek medical attention early. It is a smart move to make an appointment at the top injury center in Spartanburg.

Call Injury Medicine today.

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