How to Deal With Pain and Soreness After an Auto Accident

Unfortunate and often unplanned events can lead to a car accident. Injuries can cause anger, grief, and shock. The body uses pain to warn us of danger. You can contact our Greenville auto accident doctors after a crash.

Causes of Pain and Soreness After a Car Accident

Some people experience pain or soreness after a car crash. Others may not feel any pain at all. Pain management is crucial to your quality of life after an accident. These are some of the most common causes of pain and discomfort after a wreck.

Sprains and Muscle Strains

You probably have felt muscle pain at some time in your life. Overuse or injury can cause strains and sprains. Your body might be affected by the force of an accident in an automobile.

A ligament strain or tear is called a sprain. Ligaments are a type of connective tissue that binds two bones or joints together. After joint injuries, ligament sprains can be common.

When a tendon or muscle is stretched or torn, it’s called a strain. Muscles, a type of skeletal tissue, provide movement and strength to the body. Tendon, a type of connective tissue that links muscle to bone, is called a tendon. In car accidents, muscles and tendons can be strained.

A torn tendon or muscle can cause pain and inflammation. While most strains, sprains, and muscular aches can be treated on their own, some situations may require medical attention.

Whiplash Injury

Whiplash refers to a soft tissue injury that causes pain in your neck and upper back. A whiplash injury occurs when the neck is bent in an abrupt manner during an accident. This movement causes the neck, upper back muscles, ligaments, and tendons to stretch and tear.

Whiplash symptoms include neck pain, stiffness in the neck, upper back pain, and weariness. Other common signs of whiplash include headaches, muscle spasms, and restricted range of motion in the neck. If left untreated whiplash can cause persistent discomfort.

Spinal Injury

One of the leading causes of spinal cord injuries is car accidents. A crash can cause a partial or complete breakage of one or more vertebrae. This can lead to muscular soreness.

Broken bones or small fragments of bone may get into the spinal canal, causing paralysis and permanent loss of sensation. If you experience tingling, numbness or weakness, or muscle spasms, consult a doctor.

Lacerations and Contusions

A contusion is defined as a bruise or collection of blood vessels damaged beneath the skin. A laceration refers to a deep cut that penetrates the skin. A car accident trauma can cause contusions or lacerations to the whole body, including the muscles.

Convulsions and lacerations are often visible at the scene of an injury or within hours. They are most common in the hands, feet, face, hips, and legs.

Traumatic Brain Injury

You’re more likely to feel pain if you are in an accident that results in your head hitting the road. It is possible to feel pain or a throbbing headache. Sometimes, severe or even intense pain may occur. Traumatic brain injuries can be life-threatening, so it is important to treat them as such.

According to the CDC, there were more than 64,000 TBI-related deaths across the United States in 2020. If you think you have been in an accident involving auto vehicles, consult your doctor.

headaches after a car crash.

How to Deal With Pain and Discomfort After an Auto Accident

Muscle aches, pains, soreness, and muscle ache are all common after an accident. This discomfort may be urgently treated. Here are some ways to deal with the pain following an auto accident.

Get Medical Attention After a Car Accident

Some injuries from a car accident are not immediately obvious. Whiplash, concussions, and spine injuries can lead to pain that takes hours, days or even weeks for symptoms to develop. You should seek medical attention immediately if you are experiencing pain. Your injuries may get worse, which will require a longer healing time.

If left untreated, whiplash or spinal injury can cause chronic pain. If left untreated, concussions and internal bleeding can lead to permanent brain damage.

Even if you’re not in pain from an auto accident, it is worth seeing a doctor to check your health. You can have internal bleeding, edema, and fractures checked.

Follow the Prescribed Treatment Plan

It may take several months to complete the treatment. The best way to ensure you are fully recovered is to follow the advice of your doctor. This could mean that you have to take time off work or limit your normal activities.

Participate in physical therapy, take all prescribed medication, and keep up with follow-up appointments. Don’t abandon your treatment plan if you feel that some of the plans aren’t working. Talk to your doctor about more effective treatments.

Stay Hydrated and Eat a Healthy Diet

Healthy eating habits can help you to stay on the right track for your healing journey. To heal faster, your body needs to eat healthy, nutritious foods rich in vitamins and proteins. You should eat healthy, regular meals, even if you are in pain. The body functions properly when you eat the right food. You will feel more energetic and stronger.

Water is a great thing in general. Water is a great resource for your muscles. If you aren’t properly hydrated, you won’t be able to perform at your best. This can lead to tightness and cramping. Injury can stress muscles and cause them to contract and become more painful. The extra fluid helps speed up healing.

Rest Is Important

It is hard to overstate the importance of rest and sleep in the recovery process. When you sleep, blood flows to your muscles which allows tissue and muscle growth. Your body may also experience a drop in stress hormones as you sleep which can help reduce inflammation.

To heal your body from serious injuries, it is essential to take your time and rest often after an accident. Be aware of your limits and don’t push yourself too far or too quickly. If you attempt to “push through” serious automobile accident injuries, you run the risk of further injury.

A Good Support System

You should surround yourself with people who can support you in your healing process, such as family and friends. A supportive network can make you feel better and help you stick to your treatment plan. Depending on the severity of your injuries, friends and family can assist you with daily activities as well as transport you to appointments.

Are You in Need of Medical Treatment?

Car accidents can cause injuries or even death. You should seek medical attention immediately if you are experiencing pain. To schedule an appointment, contact us at Injury Medicine at 864-866-PAIN.

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