Traumatic Brain Injuries: What Does It Mean for You?

Our Greenville injury specialists have seen many victims of traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) in accidents. These brain injuries are often caused by work accidents like slips and falls. TBIs can also be caused by auto collisions or sporting accidents. TBIs can be caused by any force exerted on the head.

This article will explain what a traumatic brain injury is. The main focus of this article would be on TBIs and their symptoms as well as possible treatments.

Injury Medicine can help you if you have head pain following an accident. These head pains may be signs of a TBI. It’s better to have our specialists examine you and treat your brain injury.

If you would like more information on auto accident injuries and if it’s worth it to sue, view this page

What Are Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI)?

Traumatic brain injury refers to an injury to the brain that is usually caused by an external force. Experts refer to TBIs as intracranial injuries.

TBIs can often impact the normal functioning of the brains of accident victims. TBI can be described as a wide range of brain injuries that result from external trauma. Brain damage may only be limited to one area of the brain. TBI can also spread to other parts of the brain.

The US is a major source of death from traumatic brain injuries. The US had approximately 60,000 TBI-related fatalities in 2016. Another 61,000 TBI-related deaths occurred the next year. These numbers are just a fraction of the 2.8 million Americans who suffer from a TBI each year. This head injury also affects children, men, and women.

Types of Traumatic Brain Injury

Traumatic brain injuries can happen in two main ways. These are the two main types of TBI.

Closed Brain Injury

A closed brain injury is a brain injury that doesn’t penetrate the skull. It’s sometimes called a non-penetrating or blunt brain injury. This type of brain injury can be caused by rapid forward and backward shaking. This causes brain tissue to tear and brain tissue to become bruised.

This type of traumatic brain injury is most commonly caused by car accidents or unintentional falls. Closed brain injuries can also be caused by abuse, such as shaken baby syndrome.

Penetrating Brain Injury

The TBI type is exactly as its name suggests. This happens when an object pierces the skull and causes damage to the brain. The dura mater, which is the membrane that surrounds the brain, is usually broken by an external object. Brain injuries from bullet wounds are a typical example.

Symptoms of a Traumatic Brain Injury

There are many symptoms that can be caused by trauma to the brain. These symptoms could be either physical, sensory, behavioral, or mental. TBI symptoms can also vary depending on the severity of the injury.

Symptoms can vary depending on the severity of the injury. The general signs of a traumatic brain injury are:

  • Headache
  • Drowsiness or fatigue
  • Speech defects
  • Dizziness
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Sensitivity to light and sound
  • Blurred vision
  • Ringing in the ears
  • Perception loss
  • Memory and concentration problems
  • Confusion and disorientation
  • Seizures and convulsions
  • Changes in mood
  • Depression
  • Oversleeping or difficulty sleeping

Practically speaking, it is better to not wait for these symptoms to present before you visit a doctor. If you have suffered a head injury, it would be a good idea to seek medical attention right away.

traumatic brain injuries on MRI.

Treatment for TBI

TBI treatment depends on the severity of the injury. Patients with mild TBI may only require adequate rest. Patients with a mild traumatic brain injury may need to supplement their rest with prescribed pain medication. This patient will still need to be closely monitored. This is to avoid any complications.

Emergency and Surgical Care

Victims with a TBI may also need emergency care. This is where emergency responders will ensure that they have an adequate blood supply of oxygen. Emergency responders will also try to prevent further head injuries.

People with severe traumatic brain injuries might need to have various operations:

  • Stop brain bleeding
  • Fix skull fractures
  • Blood clots can be removed
  • To relieve internal pressure, create a window in your skull


Rehabilitation may be necessary for brain injury patients. In this case, they will need to regain basic skills like talking, walking, eating, and even speaking. These specialists will be required by the TBI patient.

  • Physiatrist
  • Physical therapists
  • Occupational therapists
  • Therapists in speech and language
  • Social workers
  • TBI nurses
  • Recreational therapists
  • Neurologists

Injury Medicine Can Help You if You’ve Been in an Accident!

You should seek immediate medical attention if you were involved in an accident in South Carolina. This is because you may have suffered a brain injury. Don’t risk waiting until symptoms of a traumatic brain injury appear.

At Injury Medicine, we have specialists who are trained to treat various types of accident injuries. We also have specialists in many fields. It’s best to call us right away.

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