A motorcycle accident can change the course of your life in an instant. At our South Carolina injury center, we receive patients just out hospital who need extensive rehabilitation care and pain management after a motorcycle crash. In our experience, this type of motor vehicle accident leads to some of the most severe and extensive injuries.

The main reason for this is the fact that a motorcycle offers no protection to its rider and passenger in a collision. Also, many motorcyclists do not wear a helmet, since South Carolina law makes it mandatory only for people under 21 years old.

There Is No Such Thing as a Simple Motorcycle Accident

Many motorcyclists say that they walked away from a crash with only a few scratches. Maybe they were supremely lucky – but in several cases, they do complain of various unpleasant symptoms days or weeks later after their motorcycle accident.

Our doctors urge all motorcyclists involved in an accident – riders and passengers – to seek medical care as soon as possible after the event. Many injuries sustained in motorcycles crashes are not visible. However, they are there and will get worse by the hour if left untreated. So, even if you think that you are fine, we encourage you to get evaluated by a doctor at our South Carolina injury center.

What Are the Most Common Injuries Sustained in a Motorcycle Accident?

Our multidisciplinary team can help riders heal from all types of motorcycle accident injuries. All injuries, even simple ones, can cause a lot of pain – and we are ready to help you with the best treatment course, that puts your greater good at the center of our medical decision.

You can confidently choose treatment for the following injuries at our South Carolina injury center:

1. Road Rash

Road rash occurs when exposed skin makes contact with the road. While it is not a very severe injury, road rash can be very painful and may even reduce the range of motion in affected limbs. Some patients even suffer nerve damage at the site of road rash. With proper care and pain management, you can make a full recovery and continue to enjoy motorcycle rides.

2. Broken Bones

Riders injured in a motorcycle accident usually suffer leg fractures. This happens when they fall on one side and get caught under their motorbike. In some cases, a fracture will heal by itself after placing the leg in a cast.

However, open fractures may require surgery. You can rest assured that our orthopedic surgery department will offer you the best care and strive to give you the full use of the injured limbs after healing.

3. Back and Spine Injuries 

A motorcycle accident can throw the rider off their back and cause them to hit the road with their back. This is an extremely traumatic experience – both in terms of the level of pain experienced and consequences for your back.

Back injuries sustained in a motorbike crash include:

  • Muscle stains
  • Broken ribs
  • Herniated discs
  • Spinal cord damage.

The ambulance team offering you emergency care at the site of the accident will determine if your back injuries are life threatening and take you to the nearest hospital for treatments and surgery. Otherwise, you can come directly to our South Carolina injury center.

4. Head and Neck Injuries

Head and neck injuries are especially severe in a motorcycle accident if you are not wearing a helmet. Some patients are left with lifelong disabilities caused by cervical spine injuries and severe brain damage.

We can offer you rehabilitation care and pain managements, as well as specialized medical services, such as neurology, injections and minimally invasive procedures.

5. Internal Bleeding

The impact caused by a motorcycle accident to your body may lead to the rupture of blood vessels. This is one of the invisible injuries sustained in a crash, but one which can have fatal consequences if left untreated.

The first symptoms of this type of injury are:

  • Dizziness
  • Visual problems
  • Bruising
  • Tingling in the hands and feet.

You should not wait until you start experiencing these symptoms, though. Go to a hospital for complete tests, including a MRI scan which will identify the bleeding.

5. Internal Organ Damage

Major organs can get crushed inside your rib cage during a motorcycle accident. This is a potentially fatal injury, which requires immediate medical care and even surgery. Any minute of delay in seeking medical care is extremely dangerous.

You cannot see the injury and – during the first moments after the crash – may not experience any pain at all, as adrenaline is released in your body. This is why you should never just walk away after a crash.

Failure to Seek Medical Care May Hurt Your Personal Injury Claim

There is one more aspect you should consider if you think that you don’t need medical attention. If the accident was caused by a driver’s negligence, you will file a personal injury claim against their insurance policy. You will include the property damage, lost wages and eventual medical care costs which you will need.

However, if you did not seek medical attention immediately after the motorcycle accident, you will have a hard time proving that you suffered your injuries in the crash. Any insurance adjuster will claim that you got hurt later, in a different kind of incident, and now want to get them to pay for your hospital bills.

Hurt in a Motorcycle Accident? Let Us Help You Heal!

At Injury Medicine we focus on your recovery in safety, comfort and free of pain. We have a multidisciplinary team of doctors who have extensive experience in treating all types of injuries sustained in a motorcycle accident.

We can also help you prepare your accident claim by making your medical record available to your personal injury lawyer. Since we know that you many need us anytime, we are available 24/7. Call us to schedule an appointment, either on the same day or the next day: 864-866-PAIN!

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