Soft Tissue Injury Treatment in Greenville

A soft tissue injury can arise from overuse or trauma to the muscles, tendons, or ligaments. You will experience pain immediately after the soft tissue damage, and it can vary depending on the severity of the injury. The impacted area also may swell, and excessive inflammation can slow the healing process.

Many sprains and strains heal on their own. However, if you have persistent pain or experienced a severe injury, you should see a doctor for diagnosis and soft tissue injury treatment in Greenville.

At Injury Medicine, we highly recommend getting checked for proper diagnosis and treatment when you experience severe soft tissue trauma, especially at your joints like the ankle, knee, hip, wrist, elbow, or shoulder.

Some of the issues that require a comprehensive examination include:

  • You heard a crack or pop when the injury occurred.
  • You feel pain in the surrounding bony structures.
  • Unusual deformity or shape of the injured part.
  • You cannot put any weight on the injured part.
  • The injured part feels numb when pricked, which is a sign of neurological damage.

Contact us today at 864-866-PAIN if you seek expert soft tissue injury treatment in Greenville, SC, and pain management assistance.

We have a team of highly trained and experienced health care professionals and the medical equipment needed to help you heal.

We can treat any soft tissue damage attributed to workplace accidents, automobile accidents, sports injuries, or degenerative conditions.

Call us to book an appointment. We are available to provide expert medical care irrespective of when your injuries occurred.

Table of Contents

Soft-Tissue Injuries Can Be Acute or Chronic

Soft tissue injuries tend to happen suddenly, although some are due to chronic overuse, especially in the tendons and muscles. The body’s muscles, tendons, and ligaments require adequate time to rest and recover after exertion. Hence, these parts can be damaged if they are not left to recover from the previous activities fully.

Acute (Sudden Injuries)

Acute soft tissue injuries are sudden, like when you slip and fall, twist, or are hit. The sudden trauma can result in strains, sprains, or bruises.

Overuse Injuries

Chronic soft tissue injuries result from the repeated use of your muscles, tendons, and ligaments without allowing them adequate rest for recovery. The overuse of fatigued body parts can lead to debilitating injuries.

Some of the conditions that arise from the overuse of soft tissues include tendinitis and bursitis.

Soft Tissue Injury Treatment

Common Acute Soft-Tissue Injuries

Sprains and strains are common soft-tissue injuries that happen suddenly.


You experience a sprain when you over-stretch and tear a ligament. Ligaments are the connective tissue in the joints (connecting two bone structures).

They are strong bands that support and stabilize the joints and are susceptible to injuries when overworked or experience sudden trauma.

For instance, the wrists, knees, and ankles are vulnerable to sprains when they experience extreme tension. Rest, ice, compression, and elevation are effective treatment options for sprains.

However, surgical repair and recovery therapy will be necessary if the ligament is torn.


You experience a strain when the fibrous tissue in your muscle or tendon is overstretched or torn. A strain could include muscle cramping, weakness, spasm, pain, and inflammation.

It is a soft tissue injury that many athletes experience at some point in their profession and often occurs in the leg (hamstring) or back.

We recommend using the options (rest, ice, compression, and elevation) to treat mild strains but consider surgery and therapeutic care if the strains result in a torn muscle or tendon.

Bruises (Contusions)

A contusion is a soft tissue injury attributed to a being hit (a direct blow) by a blunt object. The impact crushes the underlying tissue (muscles, tendons, and ligaments) without breaking or damaging the skin.

Hence, the hit part will develop swelling, pain, and discoloration due to internal bleeding. Treatment varies depending on the nature (extent) of the damage.

The RICE protocol can help deal with the bruise, but it is best to let a doctor examine you if the injury is severe.

Common Overuse Soft-Tissue Injuries

Tendonitis and bursitis are common soft-tissue injuries caused by overuse or repetitive strain.


Tendinitis is associated with the irritation or inflammation of the tendon (fibrous tissue attached to the muscle to the bone). It is a soft tissue injury you might develop in your knees, shoulder, elbows, or wrists.

The damage can be sudden, like when you slip and fall. It also can be due to repetitive actions that stress the tendons. Treatment entails placing ice on the injury to reduce the swelling.

Rest, compression, and elevation also help. Surgery might be necessary for severe cases, with stretching and strengthening exercises included in the recovery therapy.


Bursitis is a painful soft tissue injury impacting the small fluid-filled sacs called bursae that cushion your joints’ muscles, tendons, and bones. It is common around the shoulders, hips, elbows, and knees.

Bursitis is linked to overuse (repetitive motions) of the joint, and you might develop some swelling, stiffness, and ache in the affected area.

Treatment will include medication to help with the pain and swelling and therapeutic activities that target the muscles and tendons in the affected areas, stretching and strengthening them to restore lost motion and prevent future damage.

Chiropractic & Physiotherapy Treatments We Offer

At Injury Medicine, we are confident that a significant breakthrough in your treatment is achievable when combining chiropractic and physiotherapy approaches. The objective is to treat the condition and symptoms.

We then can focus on restoring normal function and movement. We accomplish this by providing the following treatment options:

  • Medications to help with the pain and treat any underlying conditions.
  • Orthopedic surgery to repair the damaged muscle, tendon, or ligament.
  • Physical therapy to strengthen the injury.
  • Injections that complement the medications and therapy to enhance treatment for a fast recovery.
  • Nerve blocks to help pain management in cases of severe soft tissue injuries.
  • Radiofrequency ablation is a minimally intrusive technique that shrinks any nodules, tumors, or growths in the damaged part.
  • Chiropractic adjustments and corrective care to readjust your musculoskeletal structure.
  • Stretching and strengthening exercise regimens to restore motion and function.

Call Us About Soft Tissue Injury Treatment in Greenville!

At Injury Medicine, we highly recommend getting checked for proper diagnosis and treatment when you experience severe soft tissue trauma, especially at your joints like the ankle, knee, hip, wrist, elbow, or shoulder.

We have a team of highly trained and experienced health care professionals and the medical equipment needed to help you heal. We can treat any soft tissue damage attributed to workplace accidents, automobile accidents, sports injuries, or degenerative conditions.

Call us today at 864-866-PAIN to book an appointment if you seek treatment in Greenville, South Carolina, for your soft tissue injuries or if you need expert pain management assistance. We are available to provide expert medical care irrespective of when your injuries occurred.